My Story

In Merrimack, Hillsborough, Grafton, Sullivan counties, Alyssa Corcoran providing organizing services to Concord, New Hampshire and surrounding areas.

I was born and adopted in Iowa & I spent the first couple years of my childhood moving from home to home. A lot of things were out of my control, but the one thing I felt I could control was my belongings. I frequently was found putting things in order by size or color. I liked to play “Tetris” in the back of the car with our suitcases to make everything fit while we got ready for a vacation. Organizing has always been calming for me in a world of chaos.

As an adult I found purpose in helping at-risk youth. While working as a wilderness family therapy field instructor in Utah, I noticed how chaotic things became when the kids had no organizational skills. I could see they were feeling like they had no control, just as I had. I was able to use our time together to teach them how to stay organized & it was incredible to watch their confidence grow as they learned these skills. While I was talking to a family member about my newfound joy helping at-risk youth learn new skills to build their confidence, she told me about the world of professional organizing. I immediately hopped on Google to find a company to work for in Salt Lake City to learn the ropes. The rest, as they say, is history.

Since then, I have relocated to the east coast & founded Elevated Spaces to provide professional organizing services to Central New Hampshire. I have truly enjoyed using these services to offer emotional support & compassionate expertise while being an accountability partner to those wanting to make lasting change in their life to elevate their spaces.

When I am not organizing you will find me somewhere in nature doing any number of activities. If it’s outdoors and involves movement, you can bet I’ve at least given it a shot. I love the smell of pine and have even found myself stopping mid-hike to take a big whiff. I find peace among the trees. I may also be planning game nights or outings with the people I love. My favorite way to cope with stress is to bake (& then eat). No better way to calm the nerves than a sweet treat!